Romana’s PIlates Studio
Stretch, Strength and Control
Romana's Pilates is designed to give you suppleness, natural grace and skill that will be unmistakably reflected in the way you walk, play and work. You will develop muscular power with corresponding endurance, ability to perform arduous duties, to play strenuous games, to walk, run or travel for long distances without undue body fatigue or mental strain.
At Romana’s Pilates, the instructor will personalize a workout tailored to the individual’s needs and abilities, improving natural rhythm and coordination to feel and look one’s best. Regardless of age, gender or physical limitations, Pilates practioneers feel the difference in how they walk, play, work and, most importantly, how they live.
Through Romana's Pilates you first purposefully acquire complete control of your own body and then, through proper repetition of its exercises, you gradually and progressively acquire that natural rhythm and coordination associated with all your mental and subconscious activities.
After Joe and Clara Pilates passed away, Romana Kryzanowska inherited their New York City studio and preserved the Pilates’ legacy by traveling the world for six decades to educate the next generation of Pilates instructors. Kryzanowska’s daughter, Sari Mejia Santo, who also had the opportunity to train directly with the Pilates, taught at her mother’s side for more than three decades. Romana’s Pilates owner Daria Pace, and is also Sari’s daughter, would later join her mother and grandmother in teaching the Pilates method.
Additionally, Romana's Pilates uses a proprietary instructor leveling system to identify instructors with the appropriate level of skill and commitment to work as a member of our network.Romana's Pilates instructors teach the exercises and philosophies of Joseph and Clara Pilates as handed down to their world-renowned protégé, Romana Kryzanowska, and later her daughter, Sari Mejia Santo.
When you work with a Romana’s Pilates instructor, you can be confident you’re getting quality and experience, not an instructor who achieved certification over the weekend or using a fast track approach. Romana’s Pilates instructors will teach you much more than just the mat; they will teach you using all the key pieces of Pilates equipment. ( View Page Source )
Original Pilates Method / Ballet / Aerial barre in Buena Park.
(Group class No more than 4 people)
To help you become a healthier and happier person. Pilates is not just another workout it's a life-style.